Soaps last week

— (This column represents on-air sum

maries for the week of Aug. 24-28.)

All My Children: JR busted Marissa out

of the hospital. David found the two of

them at the Yacht Club and told Ma

rissa he'd release her if she agreed to

stay with him at Wildwind. Liza told Tad

she was in love with Zach and went to

see him. Kendall saw her kiss Zach and

hit her over the head. Zach told Kendall

he had no feelings for Liza, and Ken

dall surprised him in bed. Baby Trevor

spiked a fever, and Randi took him

to the hospital. Amanda saw him, but

Randi and Frankie took off before she

could get to him. David demanded an

swers from Liza about the baby. Randi

revealed the truth about North's murder

to Natalia. The judge ruled Annie com

petent to stand trial and warned Adam

to keep Ryan in check or risk Annie go

ing to prison. JR was diagnosed with


As the World Turns: Damian's comfort

ing behavior toward Lily upset Meg

and Faith. Holden awakened in Maeve

and Eb Stone's cabin and told them

he'd been carjacked by Skaggs. Eb

wanted to kill him, but Maeve said he

might have valuable information about

Skaggs and his money. Instead, they

shackled him to a bed. Kim felt weak,

and Bob took her to the hospital, then

went out to get her ice cream. Alison

found him disoriented in Old Town, and

he was taken to the hospital, where a

mass was discovered on his brain.Tom

found Casey consoling Alison and demanded to know what Riley and Margo were keeping from him.Teri discovered that Liberty was pregnant. Audrey and Henry discovered that Henry was the sole heir to the rest of the Stenbeck fortune. Vienna persuaded him to give Audrey the money.

The Bold and the Beautiful: Jackie told Owen about her evening with Whip and begged for his forgiveness. Nick was furious with Owen for the comments he made about Jackie but later stunned everyone by asking Owen to forgive her. Jackie made her own public proclamation of love for Owen, but it didn't go well, and Owen rushed to her aid. Brooke, Donna, Katie and Eric participated in a sexy photo shoot. Bill and Katie shared a tender moment and talked about the future. Beth berated Ridge about his intentions toward Brooke. When Stephanie intervened, Beth released years of pent-up rage on her, and the confrontation turned violent.

Days of our Lives: Rafe vowed to find out the truth about Nicole for Sami. At the hospital, waiting for Sydney's test results, Nicole got a call from Dr. Baker saying he wanted more cash or he'd tell Sami the truth. As the cops closed in on Dean, Kyle and Brenda, Dean removed all traces of himself from Kyle's room, then returned to the shack and shot Kyle and Brenda. Bo and Hope burst in as they heard the gunshots and found Ciara alive. Mia ran into both Chad and Will at the under-21 party at the Cheatin' Heart. Uncomfortable, she left with Kinsey, who was drunk, but Chad stopped her from getting into thecar before Kinsey crashed it. Nicole got another call from Dr. Baker in front of Rafe. When she looked for her phone to call him back, she realized Rafe took it. Daniel asked Brady to help him get Chloe an experimental treatment and formulated a plan to use Kate's feelings for him to his advantage.

General Hospital: Jax figured out the truth about Dominic's relationship to Olivia and Sonny. Jason and Sam made love. Nikolas went to Rebecca on the pretext of forgiving her but with revenge on his mind. Sonny resolved to make things work with Claudia, who remained at odds with Johnny. Kristina told Michael she thought she'd caused Claudia's accident, but Michael said there was still a good chance he was responsible. He stole a tourist's watch to buy Kristina a plane ticket and was rescued from the tourist's wrath by Jason and Sam - who stunned them with the news that Alexis confessed to causing the accident. Robin told Alexis she was close to proving that Andrea killed Brianna Hughes, and Andrea overheard.

Guiding Light: Natalia asked Olivia for a job, but Olivia asked Alan to give her one instead. Rafe announced that he'd enlisted in the Army. Phillip spent quality time with Rick, Emma, Lizzie and Beth. Ed told Lillian that a bone-marrow transplant might save Phillip, but it was risky for the donor. When Mallet saw Shayne with Henry, his biological son, he realized the boy was better off with his real father and left Marina. Cyrus and Remy went to Australia in search of Jenna's buried treasure and founda dog tag identical to the one Cyrus' mother left him - making Jenna and Cyrus mother and son. Jonathan confronted Reva about talking to Jeffrey's photos and told her to stop hiding, and she countered that he couldn't judge her because he'd been hiding Sarah from her mother. Lizzie told Billy and Vanessa that she and Bill were trying for a baby. Billy said he planned to propose to Vanessa in a year, but when Vanessa told Josh she wished they were already married, he and Olivia concocted a plan to get Billy to propose.

He did, and Vanessa accepted.

One Life to Live: Determined to learn Tea's secret, Blair boarded a plane to Tahiti to look for Ross Rayburn. Shaken after a phone call from Ross, Tea packed her bags, but Todd told her he loved her and persuaded her to stay, later proposing marriage. Schuyler confessed to Gigi that he loved her and refused Stacy's advances even after she drugged him. Stacy planned to tell Rex and Gigi about the miscarriage, but Kim stopped her. Layla confronted Fish about his relationship with Kyle, who insisted he wasn't gay. Fish woke up in Stacy's bed, feeling guilty about both sleeping with her and kissing Kyle. Viki decided to run for mayor.

The Young and the Restless: Phyllis confronted Sharon in the hospital, asking why Jack hadn't been to visit her. Paul went on the run with Mary Jane -- aka his sister, Patty. As they took sanctuary in a church, Patty called Jack and told him she was pregnant and wanted to marry him. Jack played along, even though he knew Patty couldn't have

children. The police put a wire on

him before sending him back into the

church, where Patty confessed she

was the one who hurt Summer. Adam

and Ashley prepared for her psychiat

ric evaluation. Cane told Lily that he

couldn't go back to Australia because

he's a marked man there, but listen

ing to him talk about his marriage to

Chloe, she realized she still couldn't

trust him.

TV Week, Pages 85 on 08/30/2009

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