PBS to air Hendrix alumnus’ Pulitzer winner

— A PBS documentar y based on Hendrix College alumnus Doug Blackmon’s Pulitzer Prizewinning work Slaver y by Another Name will debut Feb. 13 on public television stations nationwide as part of PBS’ Black History Month programming.

Blackmon, a 1986 graduate of Hendrix, is a 2009 recipient of the Hendrix Odyssey Medal.

The medal is the highest alumni honor bestowed on graduates whose personal and professional lives exemplify the values of a liberal arts and sciences education. Blackmon lives in Atlanta with his family and is a senior Wall Street Journal correspondent.

PBS recently announced that the 90-minute documentary on black workers in the post-slavery South will be narrated by Laurence Fishburne.

For more infor mat ion about Doug Blackmon, visit www.slaverybyanothername. com/about-the-author.

River Valley Ozark, Pages 207 on 10/30/2011

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