Thanksgivukkah: Festival of Lights and Bites

Serving roast turkey with challah stuffing? Wearing a yarmulke with a Pilgrim buckle?

Welcome to “Thanksgivukkah,” a portmanteau holiday that this week, due to an accidental confluence of the Jewish and Gregorian calendars, celebrates the coinciding of the annual American secular holiday of Thanksgiving and the Jewish semi-religious holiday of Hanukkah, Eric E. Harrison writes in Tuesday’s Style section.

Of course, the coincidence is not exactly exact. Because Jewish holidays start at sundown, although the first day of Hanukkah is Thursday, the first night of Hanukkah is Wednesday night.

But it’s as close as it’s going to get. It’s happening for the first time, at least in more than a century, and possibly (depending on whose calculations you believe), it won’t happen again for more than 790 centuries.

Find out how Arkansans are celebrating “Thanksgivukkah” by reading tomorrow's Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

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