Bauxite council appoints treasurer

Mayor says job to combine four

BAUXITE -- After nearly an hour, the Bauxite City Council appointed a receptionist to be the town's recorder/treasurer, a position that's been vacant for several months.

During a special meeting Thursday, the council appointed Candace Carpenter, 28, to fill the recorder/treasurer position, normally an elected seat that pays $24,000 annually. Alderman Brenda Haney abstained from the vote. Mayor Johnny McMahan can veto the appointment within the next five days.

The hiring comes after Alderman Karen Brooks during last month's council meeting refused to be a second signatory for the city. All checks -- including bills and paychecks -- have to be signed by two city officials. McMahan is one, and Brooks had been signing the checks since November.

In November, Sheryl Johnson resigned as recorder/treasurer, saying she felt harassed by a former alderman.

During the meeting Thursday, McMahan told council members that whomever they appoint will fill the roles of the recorder/treasurer, city clerk and the district court clerk. The appointee would have to be at City Hall during business hours, Alderman Paula Matthews said.

"That's four jobs in that one job," McMahan said, adding that the Arkansas Municipal League specifies what a person in each office is supposed to accomplish. "We're not just appointing someone to sign checks and take minutes. We have been doing that since Sheryl resigned in November."

The council would have to raise the pay for the position if the incoming person performs that many tasks, Brooks said.

Soon after, Brooks questioned whether Johnson executed all of those listed duties.

Johnson had a full-time job and worked nights and weekends at the city to fulfill all of her duties, several aldermen said, inquiring whether the council could bend the rules and appoint Carpenter, who couldn't be at City Hall during all opening hours.

But McMahan said he couldn't change state law, referring to the Municipal League's requirements. When the aldermen said he did to appoint Johnson, McMahan said he helped her do her job.

"Well, if you want to fill in and take the minutes..." Alderman Mona Struble said.

He said he didn't want to.

Resident Debbi Purifoy, a former alderman, told the council that she would be willing to fill the position if McMahan was refusing Carpenter's appointment.

"I'm still unemployed," she said. "I'm still looking for a job. I have 30-something years of finance [experience], so I'm well-qualified. I'm available 24/7."

McMahan -- who has had public disagreements with Purifoy -- recited the positions the town needed, comparing them to larger cities.

Some aldermen and resident Rita Shepherd then questioned McMahan on why he hasn't placed an advertisement to fill the vacant position.

"The last time we ran an ad, we had people from Sardis, Bryant, Shannon Hills that said they want to be the treasurer," he said, adding that the candidate has to live within the city limits. "We've made it fine without a treasurer up until now -- within reason. Just because you run an ad doesn't mean anyone will apply."

If he didn't run an ad, the city wouldn't get any applicants, Shepherd said.

Struble renewed her motion to appoint Carpenter, who plans to run for the position in November. Carpenter said after the meeting that she believed McMahan would veto her appointment.

The nearly hour-long meeting for the one agenda item is the latest in a string of tussles between McMahan and the three council members.

McMahan has called for Struble's resignation, claiming she doesn't live in the city. She maintains she does. The aldermen have attempted to fill a vacant council member position, but McMahan has vetoed those appointments.

During the last meeting, the council passed a 3-1 vote of no confidence in McMahan.

The mayor, the five aldermen and the recorder/treasurer positions are all open for the November election.

Metro on 08/08/2014

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