Super Quiz: Food with religious symbolism

  1. They are associated with Easter, as a symbol of new life.

  2. Thin strips of dough baked into the shape of a child's arms folded in prayer

  3. Traditionally eaten on Shrove Tuesday to symbolize the end of rich eating

  4. These two items are eaten on Rosh Hashana to symbolize a sweet new year.

  5. Potato pancakes eaten to commemorate the miracle of a small flask of oil

  6. In Greece, it is to be made with 33 layers, referring to the years of Christ's life.

  7. Offered to visitors on specific days following the death of a Muslim

  8. Traditionally eaten at the meal that breaks the fast of Ramadan

  9. This staple, served on the Chinese New Year's Eve, symbolizes longevity.


  1. Eggs

  2. Pretzels

  3. Pancakes

  4. Apples and honey

  5. Latkes

  6. Baklava

  7. Halva

  8. Dates

  9. Noodles

MovieStyle on 06/20/2014

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