Gadgets & Gizmos

Rabbit Velvet Champagne Set
Rabbit Velvet Champagne Set

Who knew you could save leftover Champagne? Until recently we only drank sparkling wine at my house on occasions when we knew we'd drink the whole bottle. Otherwise, options were limited as what to do with the leftovers: freeze it or dump it. But thanks to new innovations, saving it is now an option, too.

The Rabbit Velvet Champagne Set features pliers for opening bottles of sparkling wine and a stopper to save an unfinished bottle.

For especially stubborn corks or for those with grip and dexterity problems, the pliers make opening a bottle of bubbly much easier. Remove the foil and wire as usual, then use the pliers to grip and twist the cork.

The stopper can be used on regular wine as well. The manufacturer doesn't say how long the wine will retain its bubbles, but our test kept our prosecco fresh and bubbly for three days (it might have stayed fresh longer, but we didn't give it the chance).


Food on 04/20/2016

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