Helpful Hints

DEAR HELOISE: If you have a GPS, or a phone with GPS, don't store your home address in it. If it's stolen while you are away from home, the thief can follow the navigation directions straight to your house, knowing that you are not there.

My "home" address is a fire station around the block. Or it could be a police or sheriff station nearby, or any other public location you choose. This way, your "home" button will guide you back to your neighborhood, but not help the crooks find your house.

-- Shelly P. in Florida

DEAR HELOISE: I saw your excellent list of when to use antibacterial wipes in a recent column. Here are a few more to consider when traveling: the arms, tray table and back of the seat in front of you on an airplane.

You also can use them on the steering wheel and other surfaces in rental cars. Once in your hotel, they can be used to wipe down the remote, phones, bathroom fixtures, doorknobs, etc. I enjoy your column.

-- Debora B., via email

DEAR READER: This is a great hint for those who do a lot of traveling and "living" away from home at times. Better to be safe than sorry.

DEAR READERS: Here's what readers wrote about grass clippings:

Judy L., who is a master gardener, said: "Grass clippings should be left on the lawn, as should leaves that have been mulched with the mower. They are an excellent soil amendment, and put nutrients back into the soil for a healthier lawn."

Cindy D., via email, said, "Excess grass clippings left on the roadways wash into area ponds, which adds nitrogen to the water, promoting the growth of algae."

And finally, on a more personal note, Susan K. in Chatham, Ill., wrote, "I have a friend who rides a motorcycle, and he stated that clippings can pose dangerous problems for riders by causing the street surface to become slick, especially if they are wet." So the best bet is to keep your clippings to yourself!

DEAR READERS: Here's a quick way to clean nail files: Get a piece of transparent tape and place it on top of and underneath the file. Press the tape firmly against the file, then pull it off. This will pull off any particles on the file.

Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

MovieStyle on 10/14/2016

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