Gadgets & Gizmos

The Chef’s Choice Crystal Crafter
The Chef’s Choice Crystal Crafter

Chips in porcelain and stoneware are visually displeasing, but generally don't pose a danger. Chips and nicks in glass and crystal, on the other hand, can hurt you, often leading to damaged pieces being tossed out or taken out of use. And the jagged or raised bits of excess glaze on handmade pottery can scratch surfaces or make pieces sit funny.

The Chef's Choice Crystal Crafter won't restore the visual appeal of your chipped or nicked pieces, but it can return them to safe working order. As well as smooth out any rough surface areas. The tool features "diamond abrasives" that smooth away rough, jagged or sharp edges. The curved side works to transform chips into smooth valleys, while the straight side eliminates sharp bumps and edges. According to package information, the tool can also be used on cutlery.

We successfully used it on a cut-glass gravy boat with a large chip and a flower vase with an unusual bump on the rim as well as some handmade pottery. The tool does produce quite a bit of fine dust, so you may want to use it under water or wear a mask to avoid breathing in the particles.


Food on 12/20/2017

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