Super Quiz: Moses

  1. Why did Moses flee from Egypt?

  2. God spoke to Moses from within a ___.

  3. How many plagues fell on Egypt?

  4. This man, the brother of Moses, became his spokesman.

  5. Moses led his people out of Egypt and across (through) this sea.

  6. They based themselves at this mountain.

  7. What did Moses receive on the mountain?

  8. How long did they wander in the desert?

  9. What happened when they were within sight of the Promised Land?


  1. He had killed an Egyptian.

  2. Burning bush

  3. Ten

  4. Aaron

  5. Red Sea

  6. Mount Sinai

  7. The Ten Commandments

  8. 40 years

  9. Moses died.

ActiveStyle on 10/16/2017

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