Faith Matters

A girl in God's own image

Places of worship should be safe

Being a Girl -- In God's Own Image

I guess its time for me to speak up about sexual harassment. I've alluded to it in previous columns, but I feel it is important to add a faith perspective to the battle for women's sexual safety -- especially considering what's going on in the culture with the "Me too" movement, and with women such as Oprah Winfrey speaking up and saying, "Their time is up," about those in power who have taken advantage of their power over women.

It's important for all people of faith to say that God created women -- not to be subservient to men, nor to be used by males -- but to be appreciated equally.

It's important for all people of faith to say that sexual exploitation is always a sin -- whether by a male over a female, or a person of either gender over another person regardless of gender.

Any person in a position of power -- whether male or female -- has the opportunity to abuse that power and the responsibility not to.

Adults have power over children. Bosses have power over employees. Teachers have power over students. Doctors have power over patients. Counselors and therapists have power over clients. Politicians have power over those who are involved in the political sphere. Celebrities have power over those who admire them, as well as others who need their acceptance. Pastors have power over parishioners -- a different type of power, but a power all the same, and clergy sexual misconduct is a result of the abuse of that power. And, all too often, husbands have power over their wives.

Those in power who abuse that power through sexual assault also, sadly, often have more power than the victim in more ways than just the power differentiation in the relationship. Victims are ordinarily not believed when it is their word against the perpetrators' due to the higher status of the abusers. We still live in a world that values the gifts of men over the gifts of women, where men are paid more than women for the same work, where men are chosen for positions over women who are equally qualified and where the vast majority of those within the Church of Jesus Christ deem women unqualified to serve in leadership positions of that church. As long as this attitude remains, women will continue to be victimized due to the inequality of power between the genders.

It's important for all people of faiths to recognize that women are created equally in God's image.

That's really what's at issue. People of faith -- both women and men -- must acknowledge, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus" -- Galatians 3:28. Only then will followers of Jesus Christ begin to consider that women are made equally in the image of God: "So God created humankind in God's image, in the image of God he created them; male and female God created them" -- Genesis 1:27.

For all of you, women or men, who have silently said to yourself lately, "Me too," I hope you will find a safe place to say it out loud. And I pray for the day that all places of worship could be such a safe place.

NAN Religion on 01/13/2018

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