Super Quiz: British

  1. A Canadian province

  2. For what does the £ symbol stand?

  3. For what is BTU an abbreviation?

  4. This company was at the center of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

  5. The former name of Belize

  6. What was the subject of the phrase "on which the sun never sets"?

  7. Until 1949, citizens of Canada were denoted by this term.

  8. For what does MBE stand?

  9. Bermuda and Gibraltar are classified as BOTs. What is that?


  1. British Columbia

  2. British pound

  3. British thermal unit

  4. BP (British Petroleum)

  5. British Honduras

  6. The British Empire

  7. British subjects

  8. Member of the Order of the British Empire

  9. British Overseas Territory

ActiveStyle on 05/14/2018

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