OPINION | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: An important election | Go round in circles | They're not helping

An important election

Disclaimer: neither a D nor R, but an advocate of the U.S. Constitution. In nearly all of the 12 past presidential elections in my voting life, the phrase has been uttered, "This is the most important election ever to decide ultimately the direction of our country." And again, this one is too. Really.

Our choice is between two polar opposites. One to be the source of power over the people. The other power for "we the people." One to live within the rule of law. The other wanting to change it to attain power. Cast your vote with considered examination and thought of each candidate and the consequences of the victor's administration. Vote!


Walnut Ridge

Go round in circles

It seems that President Trump has been saying for several months that we are turning the corner on covid-19. Some people may be trying to figure out how many corners there may be to this virus. Could it possibly be that the president is turning a continuous corner? Some might call it a circle.



They're not helping

As a Black woman I must address the false claim by Republicans that they are helping Black Americans. I believe since the 1960s the Republican Party has been a detriment toward the progress of Black American citizens.

It has been by "hook or crook" or, specifically, lies and deceit that Republicans and particularly this president have been a deterrent to the cultural, academic, and economic growth of Black Americans. Today, we see modern-day McCarthyism under the guise of QAnon conspiracies. QAnon has manifested itself through lies and deception for the sole purpose to exploit and maintain a Republican stronghold on government. It portrays Democrats as socialists and Marxists because many Americans don't know the aspects of democracy, socialism or Marxism. It banks on ignorance and hate.

African Americans understand why systemic cultural racism is denied. It is because of the "slaves now walk among us" mentality. Republicans refuse to recognize it, but let me give a few examples: colonization. imperialism, slavery, Missouri Compromise, Fugitive Slave Act, Dred Scott, Plessy v. Ferguson, Jim Crow, Black codes, lynchings, Tulsa race massacre, Elaine race massacre, Amendments 13, 14 and 15, Brown v. Board of Education, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting Rights Act of 1965, police brutality, public education funding tied to property values, non-white immigrant children caged, and continued voter suppression.

If you consider yourself more intelligent, why lie and cheat to win? We will rise and vote!


Little Rock

Stand up to deniers

Arkansas scientists who care must speak up and repudiate President Trump and his administration for their present denial of science and scientific evidence proving the catastrophic consequences of their ignorance: hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, drought, wildfires, starvation, species extinction, and pandemics; destroying America as we know it, and an America that may never recover from burdening future generations with a social and economic debt that will never be repaid.


Mountain Home

Great gift of country

I am driven to express my deep concern for present and future generations that will come after I am gone. It is virtually impossible for me to fully realize that there are those in our country who hate our president enough to sacrifice our country in order to get rid of him. Who or what do they hate? The man? The country? In an effort to defeat the man, do they not see that they advocate the elimination of the freedoms guaranteed to us as Americans? Do they truly want to relinquish these rights in order to remove the man they hate? Does their hate of one man blind them to the great gift of our country?

I speak about people of intelligence, good will, charity and good sense; but are they looking with eyes wide open to the future? Are they misinformed, brainwashed or both? In desperation to rid the office of president of Donald Trump, they are unwittingly willing to surrender their children's freedoms as we now enjoy.

Please, think! To sacrifice our country as a political pawn for beliefs of ultra-liberals (who advocate socialism/Marxism) is past unwise. Trump will be gone after 2020 or after 2024. What will our country look like past that?

Put me down as an "old coot." Indeed, I am old; a very proud member of "The Greatest Generation," having served as a World War II combat veteran. I love my country. My vote will go to the candidate who has the good and the future of the United States of America at heart and follows the good of the people as guaranteed by the Constitution.


Little Rock

Democracy still here

President Trump has said many times that he may not accept the result of the election. This is a serious threat to our democracy. Democracy is based on free and fair elections where every voter gets a chance to vote and every vote is counted, and it is based on a peaceful transfer of power.

There are many ways to subvert the election, from defunding the post office to voter suppression, but a pretty clear sign of a coup being in the works is when they stop counting the ballots. This is when it is time for us ordinary people to let these officials know in a strong and peaceful way who they are supposed to be working for. They are working for us and the democratic institutions we have set up to live by. This is important for this election, but also for every election to come.

Democracy is still here because every generation insists on it.

Trump said in his last election campaign that he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and he wouldn't lose any voters. I hope that's not true. This may be the time for those voters to reassess what is OK for him to get away with.



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