Super Quiz: In the Kitchen

  1. You wear these thick coverings to take hot things out of the oven.

  2. Term for a kitchen on a boat or airplane.

  3. This soup has acquired the reputation as a folk remedy for colds and influenza.

  4. This bowl-shaped utensil is full of holes for draining off liquids.

  5. The Hell's Kitchen neighborhood is located in this city.

  6. Which then-U.S. vice president was involved in the Kitchen Debate?

  7. Translate "kitchen" to French.

  8. It's not a musical instrument. It's used to slice or cut fruits and vegetables.

  9. This delicacy has been called "The black diamond of the kitchen."


  1. Oven mitts (gloves)

  2. Galley

  3. Chicken soup

  4. Colander

  5. New York

  6. Richard Nixon

  7. Cuisine

  8. Mandoline

  9. Truffles

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