Super Quiz: The Last Week of Jesus

1. On the Sunday before his death, Jesus entered this city on a donkey.

2. Jesus drove these people from the temple.

3. Jesus honored a poor ---------- who cast two copper coins into the temple's treasury.

4. Leonardo da Vinci's painting of this event is the best known depiction.

5. During the meal, Jesus said that this disciple would thrice deny knowing him.

6. After the meal, Jesus went to this garden.

7. Who betrayed Jesus and what was his reward?

8. The crowd demanded that this thief be released instead of Jesus.

9. What role did Joseph of Arimathea play?


1. Jerusalem

2. The moneychangers (and merchants)

3. Widow

4. "The Last Supper"

5. Peter

6. The Garden of Gethsemane

7. Judas Iscariot; 30 pieces of silver

8. Barabbas

9. He assumed responsibility for the burial of Jesus.

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